Moab UT

Moab UT

Friday, October 1, 2010

Coming in for a landing

We're wrapping up our hard working week around here today. Everyone is tired and a little sore. Fr. and I have some new decisions to make with the house. Seems we have some structural issues in the attic that should be attended to. Remember those wood burning stoves I was telling you about. Well, it's probably going to be wood burning stove, as in one wood stove.

Oh well.


Much suffering going on around me now. Please say an extra prayer tonight for the sick and the suffering, if you are able.


On another note, have you read "An Extraordinary Peace St. Seraphim, Flame of Sarov" by Archimandrite Lazarus (Moore)?

I've just gotten in to it, but so far it's a beautiful read.

It's one of those books that I just realized I am underlining every word. This reminder I loved:

"Immerse your mind within yourself and have activity in your heart;" in so doing, "the peace of God overshadows it and it is in a peaceful state."

I, for one, could use more peaceful states.

A blessed and joyous weekend to you!