Progress! Our plan is working! This week Fr. has installed the floor in the girl's bedroom. He is very close to being finished.
Tomorrow we have a chimney sweep coming out to help Fr. order parts for our wood stoves. We are putting one in the front of the house and another in the back. Hopefully, this will help with the heating costs in the winter. We have pretty mild winters down this way, so we should be in good shape.
The structural engineer will be here tomorrow to offer advice on our living room ceiling. There is a very slight sag in the living area and we can't figure out why. So, he'll (hopefully) come out and tell us how to remedy the problem so we can mark that off our list. We are praying that it's an easy fix. If not, we'll have a slight sag in our living room ceiling when you come to visit.
Monday the priests start on the kitchen!! This is big news! I'll be painting away in the bedrooms, bathroom and study.
We're on a roll!
Here are pictures of my hard working husband and my hard working girls taking a break.