Of my three children, Zoe has spent the least amount of time eating baby food. When I would try to feed it to her, she would give me a look that said "Have you tried this stuff?" So, I just gave her mashed steamed veggies and that worked fine.
Now, when we eat, she gets this look on her face and a tone in her voice that says "What are you eating and why is it not on my tray?" She's a tough customer. The other night we were having hummus and she started in demanding her share, so I gave her some. She loved it.
When Katya was about this age we went to the Antiochian Festival. I was trying to give her some steamed veggies that I had brought along for her, but she was having none of that. She wanted my plate and all that was on it. There wasn't much I would let her eat, except the hummus.
I'll just say that she was the center of attention for about thirty minutes while she bathed in hummus. It was pretty cute and to this day she loves the stuff.