Indeed He is risen!
Thou didst descend into the tomb,
O Immortal,
Thou didst destroy the power of death.
In victory didst Thou arise,
O Christ God,
"Rejoice" to the myrrh-bearing women,
granting peace to Thine Apostles,
and bestowing resurrection on the fallen.
English: Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!
Slavonic: Khristos Voskresye! Bo istinu voskresye!
Greek: Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Romanian: Hristos a inviat! Adeverat a inviat!
Arabic: El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm!
Spanish: Cristo ha resusitado! En verdad ha resuscitado!
German: Christus ist erstanden! Wahrlich ist er erstanden!
Finnish: Kristus nousi kuolleista! Totistesti nousi!
Latin: Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit!
Norwegian: Christus er oppstanden! Sandelig han er oppstanden!
Italian: Cristo e’ risorto! Veramente e’ risorto!
French: Le Christ est ressuscite! En verite il est ressuscite!
Japanese: Christos fukkatsu! Jitsu ni fukkatsu!