It was a happy Mother's Day indeed. We started with the Divine Liturgy, as we always do on Sunday's. To me there is no better way to start the day. After liturgy, we had the blessing of meeting and listening to Kathryn Saclarides, a young woman who has devoted her life to missionary work and now travels speaking on this topic. Our dear friend, Sister Barbara, brought Katherine up to meet us and share her travels and experiences with our parish.
It was very sobering, as we here in America are so very privileged in every way. I have a very soft spot in my heart for children and orphanages, so every time she would show pictures of them and talk about the many needs, my heart was pricked and I wished for more money. I rarely ever wish for more money. The Lord has provided well for our family (no we are not rich financially by American standards, but I am thankful for everything we have). I keep telling Fr. Justin to get ready. Should we ever win the lottery we are starting an orphanage. He always replies (because I say this occasionally when I see a great need) that one has to play the lottery to win...
She gave amazing presentations on Africa and Albania. I was humbled by the work, love and dedication of the people who are called to serve as missionaries around the word. This is a truly high calling.
Anyhow, there is more each of us can do for the suffering people around the world. I certainly won't tell any of you what to do, but I can say for myself, I can pray more for them and reach deeper into my pocket book for a few more coins.
Nonetheless, it was a joy to hear her speak and to see the Lord's work being done around the world. If you ever get the chance to meet this young lady and hear her speak, do so, you won't be disappointed.
After spending time with she and Sister Barbara, we went to my own precious mom's house to give her hugs and kisses. My brother's and their families were there and it was good to see them all.
On the way home we all agreed that while we definitely love that Grandma and Grandpa Ocean live in a beautiful part of the country, and we love that we get to go see them, however, we would much rather be able to see them on a regular basis and give them hugs and kisses all the time.
I hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day. Pray for all the mother's in the world. For those who want to be mothers. For those who have been mothers. Also for the Abbess's in the monasteries, who are spiritual mother's to many, many souls. Motherhood is a high and noble calling and one that is challenging but sanctifying and holy.
The pics are of a few of us as Katherine (in blue) and Sister Barbara were leaving. I forgot to take my camera to mom's...