Moab UT

Moab UT

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Memorial Day Picnic

We had our Memorial Day picnic here at our church last Monday.  I love these picnics!  It's a great way for the local area parishes to get together and fellowship and also for our youth to get to know one another (big bonus).  Since it's potluck it only costs our parish the rental of the bounce house.  We do this again at Labor day.  

Fr. Justin and I are always amazed that every picnic brings about 100 beautiful faces our way and it's loads of fun.  We seem to always meet new people and get to sit and talk with people we otherwise don't get to visit with.  We rent a bounce house, paint faces, do egg toss, water balloon toss and eat delicious food!  Here are a couple of pics (clearly the face painting is a major hit): 

OK, my favorite is of the two little one's in the middle of the egg toss action.   Do they have it figured out or what?  I can just hear them saying "O.K., if we just hand this egg back and forth it won't break-and who's gonna notice us little one's anyway".