Moab UT

Moab UT

Saturday, May 19, 2007

These boots were made for walking.

I think one of the greatest joys of being a parent is watching each of my girls develop her own personality. Well, our little Thea has always been on the more serious side which makes her very emotional, sensitive and a bit whiney. However, she has a great personality and she is so adorable.

Now, Katya has never been one to really care about what she is wearing, Thea, on the other hand, changes clothes about once every three hours. (In fact she just had me unbutton her dress so that she could change into something new...) Anyhow, lately Thea has been upping the anti a bit with the changes, coming out with some really snazzy outfits. Here is a sample of the outfit she chose to take a walk in.

I was thinking that this picture should be used for the next Don't mess with Texas ad campaign. :)

Look Ma, no training wheels!

Grandma and Grandpa Ocean just left after a ten day visit from Washington. It was a low key visit with good conversation, good food, fun trips to the park, rides in the Burley AND the big news is that Katya learned to ride her bike without training wheels!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hurry back to see us soon!

Our dear friends Fr. Ambrose, Mat. Christy and their four children came to visit us. A great time was had by all as you can see by the smiling faces in this picture. Our two wee ones, my seven month old Zoe and her six month old Alexander, are not pictured here. They too had a great time rolling around on the floor chewing on everything.

The kids partied for two straight days indoors and out. I was very impressed at how efficient they were at cramming all they did in the little amount of time they had together.

May God grant them a safe passage home and a quick return!